Environment and Climate Change Research Directorate

Research studies have shown that there has been a significant increase in greenhouse gas emissions or so-called greenhouse gases caused by human and industrial activities, which are the main cause of climate change and whose effects are global. Drought, frost, high temperatures, low rainfall, delayed outbreaks and increased flash flooding are of the critical impacts of climate changes on the agricultural sector, causing huge losses to farmers

In order to keep pace with recent studies on climate change and its effects and ways of adapting to and mitigating them, so came the idea of developing a specialized department to study and follow up on the latest developments and formulate solutions for farmers through the use of the latest spatial and temporal techniques to harness them in drought and vegetation control and the extent to which ecosystems are affected by the effects of climate change


1-To carry out research and studies that are in line with the objectives of the SDGs , that contribute to promoting integrated management, optimal use of natural resources and planning of land uses ,as well as, the use of technology in the agricultural sector through GIS and remote sensing applications.

2- Integrated management of ecosystems for sustainable development through scientific information and traditional knowledge; which seek to protecting and restoring vital resources.

The Environment and Climate Change Research Directorate is carrying out the following Mission :
Conduct research and studies that contribute to:
1.1- Enhancing integrated management for sustainable natural resources, and land use planning.
1.2- Conserving ecosystems and their pertaining services.
1.3- Detecting climate change, its impact, and methods of adaptation.
1.4- Drought monitoring and drought early warning.
Promote the use of technology in the agricultural sector through GIS applications, remote sensing and modeling.
Qualify and capacity build up of technical staff.
Publish and document the results of agricultural research carried out in the Directorate.
Prepare the annual plan for the implementation of the work assigned to the Directorate and follow-up its implementation.
The Directorate has the following departments and divisions , which carry out the tasks assigned to it: